Tuesday, November 21, 2017

La Paz and Rurrenabaque (Jungle)


So the last week I spend in them Amazonas and in La Paz riding down the most dangerous road in the world. 

La Paz is an interesting city. It is the highest city in the world which makes it difficult to move around big in case of altitude sickness you can just chew some coca leaves. The city is build in a way that if you walk down hill you will always end up in the city center. Besides some nice churches, a cable cart system instead of a metro, partying and the death road there is not much to do in La Paz. It is the connection to the Jungle and to lake Titicara though.  

View on La Paz and the cable carts

Church San Francisco

Cathedral Metropolitana

The Parliament (in La Paz even though La Paz is not the capital)

Death Road with all possible protection even though it would not have helped as getting of the road would mean to fall at last 100m deep

After La Paz we went to the Amazon. We got the advice to do it by taxi which has been a bad choice as we needed longer than the bus and paid about 5 times as much... the road to Rurrenabaque still is advantageous. From there we took a 3 hours boat ride to the Jungle. It has been different than I assumed it would be like. It’s hard to get to see animals meaning we got to see monkeys, two small snakes, caymans, a Tapir, frogs and some birds (insects not included). Nevertheless it has been a great but expensive experience but I am not sure if I would do it again if I had the choice. 

Termites build tunnels down trees as they try to avoid the sun light

One mini Cayman but saw the big ones as well

Well now I will travel alone once again as my British friends will go to Peru and I need to get to Buenos Aires. 

Was fun traveling with you guys:

Hear you soon!


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