Friday, January 19, 2018

Morro de São Paulo & Lençóis Chapada Diamantina

What‘s up everyone,

The past week I spent on an island and in a terrific national parc. 

Morro de São Paulo is during summer (January and February) more Argentinian than Brasilian. Lots of tourists and there is nothing to see concerning culture nor the people. Still there is a reason for all this tourism as the island offers nice beaches, I definitely preferred Gamboa (unfortunately do not have a picture as I do not take my phone to the beach)


1st and 2nd beach (besides Gamboa the beaches only have numbers but no names)

Tiroleza 70m high

My travels mates at Morro (Dominik, the guy next to me, and me traveled together to Lençóis as well)

Then we left to Lençóis to take a look at the Chapada Diamantina National parc and maybe even find some diamants which we sadly didn’t 😂 there is tons to see in Chapada Diamantina so even we already had 3 full days we did not see all of it. 

Rio Mucugezinho

Poço Diabo 

Gruta da Fumaça

Morro do Pai Inácio 

Ribeirão do Meio (60m natural water slide - yes my butt hurts now)

Piscinas do Rio Serrano


View on Parque Chapada Diamantina 

Cachoeira Primavera 

Cachoeira do Mosquito 

Poço Azul (impressive as you can see the bottom (30m deep))

For people who enjoy trekking and nature, Chapada Diamantina is like being in paradise. Definitely worth a trip. 

Next leaving to Recife/Olinda. 


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